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Virtual Olympiad

Hosted platforms, APIs and tools for Science Olympiads.

Compete, Practice, Together.

Create extensively customizable multiplayer mocks on the Virtual Olympiad Arena (VOA). Play in Free-for-all or Team formats with lobbies up to 16 people.




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Fine-tune the parameters of your problemset with ease. Whether's it's allocated time, problem difficulty, point distribution, contest sources, customize to your heart's content.

Modes New

From your Standard timed exam to Relay teamwork to head-to-head face-offs in Showdown, VOLY now has it all.

Problems, All The Problems.

Access our massive schemaful collection of indexed contest problems, fully categorized with tags, difficulty, sources, etc. AMC, IPhO, Classics; you name it, Virtual Olympiad Database (VODB) probably has it.

IMO 2022 Problem 3

Let xx be a positive integer and let SS be a finite set of odd prime numbers. Prove that there is at most one way (up to rotation and reflection) to place the elements of SS around the circle such that the product of any two neighbors is of the form x2+x+kx^2 + x + k for some positive integer kk.

Train Like Never Before.

Track your problem-solving journey and progress efficiently with the Virtual Olympiad Judge (VOJ).

Problems Solved

20 this week

+4 from last week

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Tools New

Time and lap your solves, use our Shortlist Tracker with pre-configurated collections and more. VOJ is packed with useful features.

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